Your Goals Are Built On The Foundation of Your Behaviors and Habits
Habits and Behaviors are Actions
Goal Setting - Part Two
Read Part One Here
When you think about your ideal health and fitness what drives you?
What are your goals that you want to turn into long term health outcomes?
When you think about those goals how obtainable do they feel (if you are being honest with yourself)?
How much do you want that goal to become your reality?
When we answer these questions about our future health and what will drive us to get to that goal we are setting our Vision. The steps that we take to reach that Health Vision can be charted as our long term goals, mid-term behaviors and short term habits. The habits we build today develop to be steady behaviors that get us to our goals and meet our Vision.
One more question: how do we make our big aspirations and goals happen?
Let’s say, your long term goal is to lose some weight for your Vision of looking incredible for that dream wedding. The habit that supports the goal (the vague goal of “some” weight) needs to be something in your grasp that you know you can do when you want to do it. Breaking that goal down into actions that become behaviors could be a habit of heading out of the home-office for a thirty minute walk right after you shut the work laptop. A complimentary habit can be preparing an appetizer of two fist sized portions of your favorite vegetables as soon as you return from that walk. Of course these are examples. The most important thing is that the action is the right one that fits your life.
The inverted triangle that supports your Health Vision is built on the habits that become our ingrained behaviors.
The inverted triangle that supports your Health Vision is built on the habits that become ingrained behaviors. The pointed bottom of our triangle is strongest when a habit is built off of the regular practice of a process goal. That process goal needs to be based on an action. A specific and measurable action that is sparked into being by another action or some kind of reminder in your regular routine.
Developing lasting behaviors can be a huge challenge! The Health Coach’s specialty is working with you to develop the the right habits for you. Habits that will last the tests of life to develop into the behaviors that help you reach to Your Health Vision
Part 3 is here.